Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dumb managers?!

Ever since I took up management studies, I hear a lot about dumb managers. However, this one topped them all!

A visitor walked into the GM's room. The GM who was apparently busy on a fixed phone call, asked the visitor to be seated. The visitor took his seat and waited for the manager to finish his call. Once he was done, the GM apologized to the visitor for having to make him wait and explained that there was an important customer on the other end of the line. The visitor smiled and replied, "Well, Sir! I don't think that's possible, 'cause your secretary called me up to come over and fix up the phone cable, she told me that the line was dead!"

Yet to find the GM's reply :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dowry dynamics

Dowry is an affair that seems to be seamlessly integrated into the Indian culture. Though it has been often claimed that this practice had declined - while some even go to the extent claiming that this practice is extinct. And there are those that argue, that in their system, the bridegroom gives away a dowry. The problem with the whole thing, is irrespective of the party giving the dowry, the victim is the woman. In fact, the second case is subtler than the first one.

I've observed that even the literate, high class section of the society isn't any exception to this rule. Most so-called gentlemen do demand dowry, and there are so-called ladies who so strongly believe that a man who doesn't demand a dowry isn't worth it. (Though they'd never dare to tell it publicly.) While it can be argued that its the choice of the woman to give a dowry or not - it is an indirect degradation of the bride in question. It amounts to pay someone to marry her.

Case 2 as I said earlier is more deceptive. Termed as Bride Price in several countries, its in practice in several countries (including USA) - its the amount of money or property given to the bride's family (obviously the father) by the bridegroom. The issue here is that, the bride is treated as a property. And we all know too well, how people have sold daughters for centuries - bride price is just a modern version!

Eliminating dowry from a society is of course no easy task. It needs a lot of change in attitude. Its of course, not a man vs. woman stuff. There are many men who think its bad - and several women who feel its okay. However, to conclude, if you are female, if you are feminist, you are FREE!

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Homeless Guerillas

“The notion that intellectual property rights should never expire, and works never enter the public domain -- this is the truly fanatical and unconstitutional position,''

- Jonathan Zittrain, co-founder of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard Law School

When someone talks of free as in freedom, the listeners usually perceive it in a negative connotation. In fact, many even argue that copyrighting and patenting is a means to encourage creativity - but behind closed doors use pirated Microsoft Office software. Face the facts, for example a money-sucker by name Bill Gates wrote a book called The Road Ahead – and copyrighted it! So any person speaking the English language is not supposed to write a book under the same title. What tyranny! It’s obviously foolish to argue that the authors’ interests are protected, even a child can say that it serves the publishers interests rather than any author – the demmed billing Gates included (Pun intended). It was to oppose this nonsense, the Free Culture Movement began – obviously an offshoot of the more popular Free Software Foundation. To read my article on FOSS click here. Does copying destroy creativity? Overwhelming empirical evidence compels me to say no. The Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) movement has produced better software, are valued as better businesses1 than all its cold, costly and closed competitors. Over to fine arts, the once booming music/movie industry is apparently in trouble. A friend of mine watches most movies before they are released in India. The economic implications aside, I approve of piracy. If they don’t give it, take it! But freedom is more than just piracy. It’s the right to use the work, free from any fear of cops knocking your door, telling you that your tune has been already copyrighted by someone called AR Rahman (as if no one has the creativity that Rahman has) – pathetic! It’s also the right to modify the work and use it. And that’s what free culture movement is all about. Presently, it’s like guerrilla warfare. And interestingly Indian Hackers lead the show. But it needs more support, more voices to join together to oppose this infraction of personal freedom. Our revolution must be an immediate revolution in our daily lives; anything else is not a revolution, but a demand that people once again do what they do not want to do and hope that that this time, somehow, the compensation will be enough.2 Obviously, the road ahead (screw Gates) to freedom is not going to be easy. Free Culture activists experience a psychological phenomenon called homelessness – everyone stands away from family members to the government, to college professors; even though they might secretly approve of it. Of course, for those who dream of a world without flags, borders or authorities, homelessness is a natural state.


1. Vance, Ashley. “Valuation Hiccups.” eWorld Business Line. 7 December 2009: P1.

2. Anonymous. Days of War, Nights of Love. Anywhere: CrimethInc, (Copyright?? WHAT???) NEVER!


Visit to learn more about the FC Movement.

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